On Monday, 19 April, the hybrid Kick-Off Conference of the IWRM DaMe project: “Danube & Mekong – Bi-Regional IWRM Dialogue” took place with more than 40 participants from Vietnam, Germany, Bulgaria and Laos. Hosted by VNU-HUS (Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Science), participants and representatives of partners and stakeholders followed the introductory presentations and discussions either in presence at the An Giang University, Vietnam, or simultaneously via online conference.
The DaMe project is funded under the Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation (https://www.sea-eu-jfs.eu/). The Danube and the Mekong are transboundary rivers of outstanding socio-economic and ecological importance. Taking the similarities and differences between the two large river basins and between the riparian countries it is obvious that synergies of high value will be realized once ideas, technologies and experiences are exchanged.

The DaMe Project will structure information and data, incentivize communication and hold conferences for the bi-regional IWRM dialogue with a focus on water supply, agricultural water reuse and water monitoring. IEEM (the Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management at the Witten Herdecke University) and the project partners VNU-HUS (Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Science), UACG (University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy / Bulgaria) and NUOL (NUOL, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, National University of Laos) are looking forward to a fruitful cooperation.